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Academic year: 2021

Condividi "LICEO SCIENTIFICO E LINGUISTICO “INNOCENZO XII” PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CULTURA INGLESE DOCENTE: Simona Salvini Classe: 4 sez.B Scientifico a.s.2020-2021 Libri di testo:"


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Programma di lingua e cultura inglese – Prof.ssa Simona Salvini – Classe 4BS 8 giugno 2021



Classe: 4 sez.B Scientifico a.s.2020-2021

Libri di testo:

Marina Spiazzi, Marina Tavella, Margaret Layton, Performer Heritage, vol.1, Zanichelli Spiazza-Tavella-Layton, Performer B2, Zanichelli.

History and Culture

- The early Stuarts - James I; Gunpowder Plot; Charles I.

- The Civil War and the Commonwealth – The two parties; the Commonwealth.

- The Restoration of the monarchy – Charles II; The Great Plague and the Great Fire.

- From the Glorious Revolution to Queen Anne – James II; the joint monarchs; Queen Anne.

- The early Hanoverians – George I; George II.

- Britain and America – George III; the Declaration of Independence; William Pitt the Younger; the new United Kingdom

- The Industrial Revolution – Economic change; technological innovation; the workers’ life.

- The French Revolution, riots and reforms – the French Revolution; the Napoleonic Wars; George IV; William IV.

Towards B2 – The Puritans and society; the Puritans and the theatres; the Puritan influence on American society.

Towards B2 – From coffee houses to the Internet; Women and the rise of the novel.

Towards B2 – “Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Britain?”; “Manchester”.

Literature and Genres

- The Age of Reason; Metaphysical poetry; The rise of the novel; The Gothic novel; Romantic poetry.

Authors and Texts

- John Donne – Life and works; features of Donne’s poetry.

From Songs and Sonnets:

• “The Sun Rising”

From Devotions upon Emergent Occasions:

• Meditation XVII – “No man is an island”.

- John Milton – Life and works; Paradise Lost – story, setting, a religious epic poem, themes and characters, style.

From Paradise Lost – Book I

• “Satan’s speech”

- Daniel Defoe

Life and works, Defoe’s novels; Robinson Crusoe – plot, Robinson’s island, characters, style.

From Robinson Crusoe

• “I was born of a good family”– from line 1 to line 35

• “A dreadful deliverance” – from line 1 to line 44

• “I was very seldom idle” – from line 1 to line 59 - Jonathan Swift

Life and works, a controversial writer; Gulliver’s Travels, date and settings, plot, the character of Gulliver, sources, levels of interpretation, style.

From Gulliver’s Travels, Book 1, Chapter 2:

“The inventory” - from line 1 to line 39


Programma di lingua e cultura inglese – Prof.ssa Simona Salvini – Classe 4BS 8 giugno 2021

• Mary Shelley

Life and works; Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus – origins, the influence of science, literary influences, narrative structure, themes.

From Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus – Chapter 5:

- “The creation of the monster” - from line 1 to line 42 - William Wordsworth

Life and works; The Manifesto of the English Romanticism; the relationship between man and nature; the importance of the senses and memory; the poet’s task and style.

From the “Preface” to the Lyrical Ballads

• “A certain colouring of imagination” - from line 1 to line 42 From Poems in Two Volumes

• “Daffodils”

- Jane Austen

Life and works; the novel of manners; love and marriage; Austen’s analysis of characters.

From Pride and Prejudice

- “Mr and Mrs Bennet” – from line 1 to line 61

- “Darcy proposes to Elizabeth” – from line 1 to line 116

- From text to screen: from the film Pride and Prejudice directed by Joe Wright (2005) – “Darcy proposes to Elizabeth”.

From Persuasion

- Understanding the plot and the characters in the BBC adaptation of 2007 (directed by Adrian Shergold) – Part One: from the beginning to Anne’s arrival in Bath.

From Performer B2 (from Unit 5 to Unit 10) Grammar

Zero, first, second, third conditionals. Mixed conditionals. Unless, In case, As long as, Provided that.

Expressing wishes and regrets: I wish, if only. Comparatives and linkers of manner. The passives; have/Get something done. Reported speech. Causative verbs.

Revisione dell’uso dei seguenti tempi verbali: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous; Past Perfect, Future tense.

Reading - Reading, interpreting and understanding information:

Sustainable development; Leave no one behind; “Burger King – Order from McDonald” (from an online article); “More than just a festival”; “Forms of artistic expression”; “Festivals around the world”; “A greener world”; “How to regulate artificial intelligence”; “Can we teach robots ethics?”; “Healthcare and technology- friend or foe?”; “The techno house of the future”; “A sporting brain”; “Drugs and sport”; “New Olympic sports”; “Can dance be considered a sport?”; “91% of plastic isn’t recycled”; “Fun & Games to save the planet”; “Protecting the planet”; Startups

Listening – Extracts with multiple choice questions; sentence completion; listening for specific information:

a young woman talking about her experience in a conservation project; “Fighting inequality”; people talking about eight different design icons; people talking about different entertainment options; “The Internet Revolution” (video); an interview about how the Internet has transformed our lives; a sports journalist


Programma di lingua e cultura inglese – Prof.ssa Simona Salvini – Classe 4BS 8 giugno 2021

talking about danger in sports; a teacher talking to a class about microplastic contamination; people talking about conservation projects;t eenage millionaires talking about how they made their money.

Vocabulary - word families; compound nouns; phrasal verbs, collocations and expressions for:

Arts, technology; sport, the environment, business.

Research projects

- Banksy graffiti artworks; - Agenda 2030 and its goals; Charity - “Do they know it’s Christmas?” a comparison between two versions, understanding the project.

Sono state svolte attività di esercizio livello B1Preliminary e B2 First, sulle seguenti parti di esame:

Reading and use of English : matching ; true/false questions; multiple choice questions, open cloze, word formation, key word for trasformations; Listening: listening and understanding for information – recordings, gapped sentences, multiple matching, multiple choice questions.

Anzio, 08 giugno 2021


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