• Non ci sono risultati.

Figura 1: http://www.e-butsugu.jp/image/butsugu1-3_07.jpg Figura 2: http://www.e-oihai.jp/ihai1-2.html Figura 3: http://www.alpha-net.ne.jp/users2/porori/butudan/b03c.jpg Figura 4: http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200712/30/19/e0098619_15181520.jpg Figura 5: http://www.funkyblog.jp/JikkanoButsudan.JPG

Figura 6: Herman OOMS, “A Structural Analysis of Japanese Ancestral Rites and Beliefs”,

in William H. Newell, Ancestors, p. 73

Figura 7: disegno dell’autrice; lezione del 25 ottobre 2007 del corso di

Storia, filosofia e religioni del Giappone 1, professor Massimo Raveri

Figura 8: http://f.hatena.ne.jp/KenichiroSota/20090308154255 Figura 9: http://flickrhivemind.net/Tags/水子供養/Interesting Figura 10: foto dell’autrice

Figura 11: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hfWdl6ouGL8/UKehGbF8ZJI/AAAAAAAAhmc/dxjJolTUkEI/s640/IMG_6419.JPG

Capitolo 2

Figura 12: William R. LAFLEUR, Liquid Life. Abortion and Buddhism in Japan, p. 35

Figura 13: http://www.takii.co.jp/tsk/y_garden/autumnsummer/komatsuna/index.html Figura 14: http://www.iris-gardening.com/herblife/img/03/p02.jpg Figura 15: http://www.honda.co.jp/helloyasai/yasai/illust/Turnip_C.gif Figura 16: http://takadajien.hida-ch.com/e108945.html Figura 17: http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200609/16/96/d0093596_23525792.jpg Figura 18: http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20110823/22/mmadax2009/d8/67/j/o0426064011437255875.jpg Figura 19: http://tabisuke.arukikata.co.jp/mouth/54091/image?1251159643 Figura 20: http://image.mapple.net/ospot/photol/15/00/11/15001190_1261_1.jpg Figura 21: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/sadoriko3tomo8kan9/e/5274af3533f76f76bc42c6a282092300 Figura 22: William R. LAFLEUR, Liquid Life. Abortion and Buddhism in Japan, p. 48

Figura 23: http://www.heidicries.com/UploadFile/20090907/20090907000610.jpg Figura 24: http://academic.hws.edu/chinese/images/bronze/bronze%20-%20166.jpg

Figura 25: http://metmuseum.org/collections/search-the-collections/60012613 Figura 26: foto dell’autrice

Figura 27: foto dell’autrice

Capitolo 3

Figura 28: http://watarubuu.web.fc2.com/z040k700na.htm

Figura 29: http://www12.wind.ne.jp/tomohm/exhibit/prd03-02.htm

Figura 30: Muriel JOLIVET, Japan: The Childless Society? The Crisis of motherhood, p. 123.

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Figura 44: R. J. Zwi WERBLOWSKY, “Mizuko kuyō. Notulae on the most important New Religion

of Japan”, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 18, 4, 1991, p. 303

Figura 45: foto dell’autrice Figura 46: foto dell’autrice Figura 47: foto dell’autrice Figura 48: foto dell’autrice

Figura 49: http://xjmarin.seesaa.net/article/115698133.html

Figura 50: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/paw99/e/e75009d6349c631270b4789f4e9c4564 Figura 51: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yoshihuzigoo/e/90691da55dc34f41f19f0be72083619f

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Figura 54: SATO Ryuzaburo, IWASAWA Miho, “Contraceptive Use and Induced Abortion in Japan:

How Is It So Unique among the Developed Countries?”, p. 26

Figura 55: Ministero della salute, del lavoro e del welfare,


Figura 56: SAOTOME Tomoko, “The Reality of Sexuality for Teenage Girls in Japan”, p. 281

Figura 57: Ministero della salute, del lavoro e del welfare


Figura 58: GOTO Aya, FUJIYAMA-KORIYAMA Chihaya, FUKAO Akira, Michael R. REICH,

“Abortion Trends in Japan, 1975-95”, p. 302.

Figura 59: SATO Ryuzaburo, SHIRAISHI Noriko, BANDO Rieko,

“Induced Abortion in Japan. A Demographic Analysis of its Trends and Causes”, p. 5

Figura 60: Tiana NORGREN, Abortion before Birth Control, p. 7

Figura 61: SAOTOME Tomoko, “The Reality of Sexuality for Teenage Girls in Japan”, JMAJ

(Japanese Medical Assosiation Journal), p. 280

Figura 62: Stephanie J. VENTURA, “Changing Patterns of Nonmarital Childbearing

in the United States”, p. 5

Figura 63: SATO Ryuzaburo, IWASAWA Miho, “Contraceptive Use and Induced Abortion

in Japan: How Is It So Unique among the Developed Countries?”, p. 13

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Figura 67: Helen HARDACRE, Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan, pp. 86.

Figura 68: Helen HARDACRE, Marketing the Menacing Fetus in Japan, p. 96

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