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Academic year: 2021



Testo completo




In base alle riunioni del mese di Settembre 2019, vengono di seguito riportati:

 criteri per la costruzione di prove per la certificazione delle competenze

 griglia di valutazione

 esempi di prove tipo (Inglese e Francese)



Le prove-tipo sono di due differenti tipologie:

La prima tipologia (Prova-tipo n.1 più adatta per la verifica delle

competenze in Inglese nelle classi Cambridge Inglese e Prova Unica per Francese) consiste in:

1) SCELTA di un argomento

2) SOMMINISTRAZIONE di un testo da ascoltare e da leggere con domande di comprensione/discussione.


- lista delle attività di progetto

- discussione in lavori di gruppo/ ricerca di informazioni/decisioni finalizzate ad una presentazione in Powerpoint

4) COMPOSIZIONE DI UN TESTO (RESOCONTO/SAGGIO BREVE introduzione, risultati della ricerca, argomentazioni emerse dalla

discussione nel gruppo, conclusioni).

• La seconda tipologia (Prova-tipo n. 2 per Inglese) consiste in:

1) attività di comprensione (True/False) 2) esercizi di scelta multipla

3) Attività di listening con esercizi di comprensione

4) Attività di writing con esercizi di completamento e scelta dell’alternativa corretta

5) Attività di speaking con esecizi di role-play e di descrizione di immagini

ORE PREVISTE: 5/6 su 3/4 settimane.








( Track 2:20) Read the article below and listen to the interview with Sandra Miller, a psychologist with a long experience of working with young people.

Use the information to discuss in groups the following questions.

1 A large number of young people are worried about the way they look:

what aspects are they particularly concerned about?

2 What is their attitude towards cosmetic surgery?

3 In what way(s) are boys and girls affected?

4 What concerns are shared by Italian young people?

5 In what way self-image and self-esteem are connected?

6 Which of Dr Miller’s suggestions to improve self-esteem do you find particularly effective?

Young people and body image

New national research commissioned by central YMCA shows that younger people are more concerned about the way they look than any other age groups. Key findings of the research include:

 One in seven young people (aged 18-34) would prefer to be slim than healthy.

 Younger people (aged 18-24) are twice

as likely as older people to prefer a cosmetically enhanced appearance, including Botox and breast augmentation in women, and muscularity from taking steroids and hair transplants in men.

 Young people (18-24 year old) are the most likely group to find slimmer people more attractive (71% compared to a national average of 51%).

 Young people are the most likely to assume that someone who is fat is lazy (37%) compared to a national average of 23%.


 Botox, cosmetic surgery and steroid use would make the public less attracted to someone, 43% less attracted to someone having Botox and 34% less attracted to someone who has had cosmetic surgery.

Historically body image anxiety has been seen as something that affects women, and much of the research that has taken place has focussed on this. However, unhappiness with the way we look affects men too. Whereas the body image ideal for women is associated with slenderness, with men it is of lean muscularity.

Two years ago Central YMCA joined forces with the Centre for Appearance Research and The Succeed Foundation to conduct a survey to better understand men’s attitudes to their appearance and how often they talk about their body image. Body Talk is the term used to describe conversation in which men comment on and compare their appearance to the unrealistic male body image ‘beauty ideal’ which emphasizes leanness and muscularity.

The research shows that:

 Four out of five (80.7%) men personally use body talk statements.

 Almost all men (95.5%) see and hear body talk in the media.

 Four out of five (80.7%) men see or hear body talk in the gym.

 Over half of men (58.6%) say that body talk affects them, and the majority say it affects them negatively. Many men reported that it makes them feel judged, self-conscious and inadequate.


Your school is taking part in a European project which aims at helping young people develop a positive body image. People of different countries contribute to the project by:

 giving information about young people’s attitudes towards appearance

 illustrating the role of media in influencing body image

 describing attitudes towards cosmetic surgery

 giving information about initiatives to help young people improve their self-image / esteem.

- Work in groups of four / five and discuss the following issues.

1 Do you think that many young people have body image problems?

2 Do young people feel pressurized to be beautiful?

3 What influences young people’s attitudes towards body image?

4 How do you think it makes young people feel about their own bodies


when they see these images in the media?

5 Can images of celebrities and models that we see in the media negatively influence young people’s attitudes towards their own body image?

6 Do you think young people avoid certain activities because they feel bad about their looks?

7 What problems do you think plastic surgery can really solve?

8 What do ‘self-esteem’ and ‘body confidence’ mean to you?

9 How can you improve self-esteem?

- Surf the internet and do some research to find information about the four points on which the project focuses.

Young people’s attitudes towards appearance: find information similar to the information given in the article about British young people. Make sure you get statistical data covering various aspects related to body image.

The role of media in influencing body image: find advertisements, photographs, etc.

that could affect negatively how young people perceive their body image. Can you think of advertisements or initiatives that help young people improve how they feel about themselves?

Attitudes towards cosmetic surgery. You could conduct a survey among your friends / school friends to get their views on plastic surgery. Find out how they feel about celebrities / people they know who had plastic surgery.

Initiatives to help young people improve their self-image / esteem. Find out what is done at local and national level to help people with body image problems.

- Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the findings of your discussion and research. Then, after you have listened to the presentations of the other groups in your class, discuss in groups which aspects to include in your report to the European committee in charge of the project.


Write your report. Make sure you follow the guiding points given below.

Introduce the report and how you found the information.

Describe the main information.

Express your opinion about the data emerged from your discussion and research.









Votre lycée a organisé un échange culturel avec une école en France et vous devez travailler avec vos correspondants sur le thème de l’écologie.


Vous avez un sujet à traiter

Ma ville: écolo ou pas?

- Faites un reportage sur les comportements positifs ou négatifs de vos concitoyens.

- Préparez une vidéo ou une présentation power point (à votre choix)





1 Leggi el brano. Decidi se le frase sono T (true) o F (false).


My favourite holiday was when I went to Paris a couple of years ago. The food was great and lots of the buildings and monuments were awesome. It’s strange because that’s not the type of holiday that I usually enjoy.

I’m really into hiking in the mountains or crawling through caves! What I really hate is lying on the beach all day and doing nothing!

> Abigail went to Paris last year. F

> Abigail dislikes sunbathing. T


We went on school trip to Paris last month. It was lots of fun because the people who I like most in my class came too. I don’t agree with the conventional opinion that Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I thought it was quite grey, and I couldn’t stand looking around all the museums!

1 Ben thinks Paris is very beautiful.

2 He doesn’t like museums.


I love spending time on a quiet beach. I always bring music to listen to, and I don’t speak to anyone all day. It’s so relaxing! If I could choose our holidays, I’d do that every time, but we usually go camping in the mountains!

We’re doing it again this year! We’ve been on city breaks before, but we’re living in London now, so my parents never want to go anywhere with lots of cars and noise!

3 Chow always wants people to talk to.

4 He isn’t going camping this year.

5 His parents don’t like to go to cities on holiday.




If you ask most people, they’ll probably say that sunbathing on the beach is the perfect holiday. Well, I don’t agree with them! For me, spending time in a big city is the best thing you can do because you never get bored – but if I lived in one, I might feel differently! Some people like to travel alone when they explore new places because they meet more people. That’s true, but it’s not for me.

6 Dylan enjoys sunbathing.

7 He prefers to travel on his own.


I love holidays by the sea because I’m really into swimming, and I’ve been learning to sail recently, too. But I’m also quite happy just to sunbathe! When it’s too cold to go to the beach, I enjoy city breaks because I really like looking around museums. Next weekend, I’m going on a survival camp for the first time! It might be quite hard, but I think I’ll enjoy it.

8 Eva has been learning to swim recently.

9 She’s interested in museums.

10 She has been to a survival camp.


2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

Most people think the UK is a rich country, did you know that there are about 13 million people, or around 20% of the population, who live in poverty?

> A and B but C because D while

To help them, charitable organisations in the UK (11) created about 1,000 food banks. These are places where food is (12) to people who don’t have enough money to buy everything that they need.

11 A are B were C has D have 12 A distributed B distributing C distribute D cooked

Food banks don’t buy their own food. They depend on food (13) is donated by organisations like schools and churches or by generous individuals, like Hannah McGuiness. Hannah is 16 years old (14) lives in one of the poorest towns in the UK.

One day, she was reading her local paper when she saw an article (15) all the people who couldn’t afford to feed their families. She decided that she (16) to do something to help them

13 A how B who C which D where

14 A and B who C she D but

15 A of B about C around D saying 16 A must B needed C could D liked

Her first idea was to increase the price of meals at her school (17) ten pence: if everyone paid ten pence more, it (18)

be possible for the school to use the extra money to buy food for the local food bank. She talked to the head teacher and the parents’ association, and they agreed. This (19) seem like a strange idea for a school in a poor town, but pupils from the poorest families at the school get free school meals anyway, (20) those people weren’t affected by the higher price.

17 A from B with C for D by 18 A will B must C would D probably 19 A can B would C should D might 20 A so B because C but D while

Hannah has (21) created an organisation called ’Teenagers against hunger’. Again, the idea is simple: teenagers use a quarter of the money they’re given (22) their parents every week to buy food for food banks. Every month she goes to schools to talk about the project, and the reaction has been fantastic.

21 A yet B too C still D also 22 A for B to C by D from

But that’s not all! Next week, Hannah is (23) to start working as a volunteer at a local supermarket – she (24) give shoppers a ’food bank shopping list’ to buy an extra item or two for local people in crisis. Hannah’s dedication shows us that we can all do (25) if we want to make the world a better place.

23 A going B been C gone D thinking 24 A has B going C often D will

25 A everything B something C difference D changes

____ /25



1 11 Ascolta e decidi se le frase sono T (true) o F (false).

> Jamie was eating badly before. T

1 He began to have a smaller breakfast.

2 He now eats only fruit for breakfast.

3 He sometimes has an apple at lunchtime.

4 He still takes the bus to school occasionally.

5 He thinks he might win the race.

2 12 Ascolta e completa le frase con le parole del riquadro. Scrivi solo la lettera.

A speak English B five C project D group E notes F helpful G day trip H have lunch I enjoyable J family K skills

Students who are staying with a > J should talk to them about any problems first.

Students can go to the director’s office from (6) p.m.

The entry test helps the school to decide which (7) each student should be in.

Coming late to class isn’t (8) for other students.

Students should always (9) in lessons.

In the morning lessons, students will practise different (10) . Students should make (11) if they find it helpful.

It isn’t obligatory to (12) in the cafeteria.

In the afternoon lessons, students will do a different (13) each week.

Every weekend there’s a (14) .

Students will have a more (15) stay if they go on some of the excursions.


3 13 Ascolta e decidi se le frase sono T (true) o F (false).

> Tom feels more comfortable at his new school. T

16 Tom hasn’t enjoyed some of his classes.

17 PE wasn’t always Tom’s favourite subject.

18 Hannah thinks that PE should be optional.

19 Tom isn’t interested in Hannah’s blog.

20 Tom and Hannah don’t watch similar types of films.

21 Hannah wants to know Tom’s opinion of her blog.

22 Tom thinks that he’s a fantastic footballer.

23 Tom spends all of his free time playing football.

24 Hannah hasn’t got enough money to see Adele in concert.

25 Tom doesn’t like most modern pop music.

____ /25



1 Completa le frase con le parole del riquadro. Scrivi solo la lettera.

A stopped B experience C terrified D been E mine F however G worth H became I with J sure K told

Three weeks ago, I had a very frightening > B.

It was late at night, and I was (1) my brother, Roger.

We’d (2) to the cinema, and we were walking home.

Two young men (3) us, and asked the way to the station.

But before we could tell them, they pulled out knives, and (4) us to hand over our wallets.

I was (5) , and I didn’t want to argue with them.

(6) , Roger said that he wasn’t carrying a wallet.

They (7) very angry, and one of them held a knife to Roger’s throat.

He immediately gave them his wallet, and I gave them (8) . I’m (9) we did the right thing.

It’s not (10) risking your life for a little money.


2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

> We’re eating a meal and it’s delicious.

The meal we were / we’re eating is delicious.

11 Have you decided to give up chocolate?

Are you going / deciding to give up chocolate?

12 Eating quickly isn’t a good idea You might not / shouldn’t eat quickly.

13 Did your dad cook this?

Was / Is this cooked by your dad?

14 There’s an awful smell in the kitchen.

The kitchen smells awful / awful smells.

15 I get up early, so I always have time for breakfast.

I wouldn’t have time for breakfast if I didn’t / won’t up early.

16 Joe’s Café is cheaper than the Red House Restaurant.

Joe’s Café isn’t more / as expensive as the Red House Restaurant.

17 When did you get that recipe book?

How long do you have / have you had that recipe book?

18 There isn’t much milk in the fridge There’s only a little / some milk in the fridge.

19 Perhaps you’ll like this restaurant.

You might / can like this restaurant.


20 The last time I ate was at breakfast.

I haven’t eaten for / since breakfast.

21 Only people who work here can enter that room.

You don’t have to / mustn’t enter that room if you don’t work here.

22 We have some nice parks in our town.

There is / There are some nice parks in our town.

23 Lisa and I have planned to meet at 8.30 tonight.

I am meeting / will meet Lisa at 8.30 tonight.

24 If the weather is dry tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.

If it won’t / doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.

25 Last night, I watched TV from 9 to 10 p.m.

I have watched / was watching TV at 9.30 p.m. last night.

____ /25



1 A coppie. Scambiatevi domande e risposte.

Studente A

1 Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle? Why?

2 Tell me about how you’ve used social media recently.

3 What are you going to do when you leave school?

4 What do you think about global warming? Why?

5 Where would you go if you went on a backpacking holiday and why?

Studente B

1 How much homework do you usually do? Do you study enough?

2 Tell me about a beautiful area you’ve been to.

3 What are you going to do this summer?

4 What do you think about gender equality? Why?

5 What equipment would you need if you were in the wild and why?


2 Studente A. Descrivi la foto 1 al tuo compagno.

Puoi parlare delle seguenti cose:

the place where the photo was taken

what the place is like

what the people in photo are doing

how you think they feel

if you’d like to be where the photo was taken and why

Refer to Language for life B1 Tests & Resource Book p.91

Studente B. Descrivi la foto 2 al tuo compagno.

Puoi parlare delle seguenti cose:

the place where the photo was taken

what the place is like

what the people in photo are doing

how you think they feel

if you’d like to be where the photo was taken and why

Refer to Language for life B1 Tests & Resource Book p.91

____ /25 ____ /100




A.S. 2019-2020

1) ATTIVITA' DI LETTURA (COMPRENSIONE SCRITTA) per il raggiungimento delle seguenti competenze:

 Scorrere testi di una certa lunghezza alla ricerca di informazioni specifiche e reperire, in punti diversi di un testo, le informazioni necessarie per portare a termine un compito specifico.

 Comprendere informazioni fattuali chiare su argomenti comuni riconoscendo sia il significato generale sia le informazioni specifiche.


2) ATTIVITA' DI ASCOLTO (COMPRENSIONE ORALE) per il raggiungimento delle seguenti competenze:

 Comprendere il contenuto informativo di materiali audio registrati o trasmessi per radio purché trattino argomenti di suo interesse e siano formulati in chiara lingua standard.


3) ATTIVITA' DI SCRITTURA (PRODUZIONE SCRITTA) per il raggiungimento delle seguenti competenze:

 Scrivere con discreta sicurezza per riassumere e riferire informazioni fattuali esprimendo la propria opinione.

 Scrivere testi lineari e coesi che rientrano nel suo campo di interesse.


4) ATTIVITA' DI SVILUPPO DELLA PRODUZIONE E DELL'INTERAZIONE ORALE per il raggiungimento delle seguenti competenze:

 Scambiare con discreta sicurezza, controllare e confermare informazioni di tipo fattuale su argomenti familiari, di routine, e argomenti non abituali, all’interno del suo campo di esperienza.

 Proporre con chiarezza il proprio punto di vista e commentare succintamente il punto di vista degli altri.

 Su un argomento familiare del proprio settore, fare un’esposizione lineare, preparata in precedenza, che spieghi i punti salienti e risulti abbastanza chiara da poter essere seguita senza difficoltà.


5) ATTIVITA' DI SVILUPPO DI COMPETENZE LINGUISTICO-COMUNICATIVE per il raggiungimento delle seguenti competenze:

 Spiegare con ragionevole precisione i punti salienti di un concetto o di un problema ed esprimere pensieri su argomenti astratti e di cultura.

 Usare con flessibilità un ampio repertorio di elementi linguistici semplici, riuscendo a esprimere gran parte di ciò che vuol dire.

 Produrre, in modo ragionevolmente scorrevole, una narrazione e descrizione semplice, strutturandola in una sequenza lineare per punti.

 Esprimersi con relativa disinvoltura ed essere capace di portare avanti il discorso efficacemente e senza aiuto, nonostante alcuni problemi di formulazione che possono sfociare in pause e blocchi.



Disciplina: Lingua straniera (Inglese / Francese) Anno scolastico: 2019/2020

ALUNNO/A_____________________________________ Classe _2^__ Data: _____

Lo studente ha raggiunto i seguenti traguardi, previsti dalle Indicazioni Nazionali per il secondo ciclo e riconducibili al livello B1 del Quadro Comune di Riferimento per le lingue del Consiglio d’Europa, come di seguito esplicitati.


Scorrere testi di una certa lunghezza alla ricerca di informazioni specifiche e reperire, in punti diversi di un testo, le informazioni necessarie per portare a termine un compito specifico.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Comprendere informazioni fattuali chiare su argomenti comuni

riconoscendo sia il significato generale sia le informazioni specifiche.

 ****

 ***

 **

 *

Seguire i punti salienti di una lunga discussione, purché si parli in lingua standard e con pronuncia chiara.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Comprendere il contenuto informativo di materiali audio

registrati o trasmessi per radio purché trattino argomenti di suo interesse e siano formulati in chiara lingua standard.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Scrivere con discreta sicurezza per riassumere e riferire

informazioni fattuali esprimendo la propria opinione.

 ****

 ***

 **

 *

Scrivere testi lineari e coesi che rientrano nel suo campo di interesse.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Scrivere una relazione sviluppando un’argomentazione,  ****



 *

Sviluppare un’argomentazione con sufficiente chiarezza, così che il discorso possa essere seguito per lo più senza difficoltà.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Proporre con chiarezza il proprio punto di vista

e commentare succintamente il punto di vista degli altri.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Spiegare con ragionevole precisione i punti salienti di un

concetto o di un problema ed esprimere pensieri su argomenti astratti e di cultura.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Usare con flessibilità un ampio repertorio di elementi

linguistici semplici, riuscendo a esprimere gran parte di ciò che vuol dire.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Produrre, in modo ragionevolmente scorrevole, una narrazione

e descrizione semplice, strutturandola in una sequenza lineare per punti.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Esprimersi con relativa disinvoltura ed essere capace di portare

avanti il discorso efficacemente e senza aiuto, nonostante alcuni problemi di formulazione che possono sfociare in pause e blocchi.

 ****

 ***

 **

 * Firma dell’insegnante


(1) Livelli

**** = competenza raggiunta con piena sicurezza, ottimo livello di autonomia

*** = competenza raggiunta con buona sicurezza, apprezzabile livello di autonomia

** = competenza raggiunta con sufficiente sicurezza, modesta autonomia

* = livello di sicurezza e autonomia inferiore alle aspettative in rapporto agli obiettivi

VOTI 9-10 7-8,5 6-6,5 5 o < 5



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